Leave of Absence
- The student who have been absent from class must have the reason for their absence briefly noted in the “Leave Absence Record”, by the parent with signature attached. To be admitted to classroom, they must show the teacher their ‘Leave Absence Record”, duly countersigned by the principal. Any absence more than 3 day on account of illness shall produce medical certificate from the doctor.
- A student returning to school after an infectious or contagious disease should produce a doctor’s certificate permitting him/her to attend the class do so.
- A student absenting himself from school for 15 or more consecutive days, without permission will be marked “LEFT”. If he/she is to be re-admitted, a fresh admission fee will have to be paid. If the absence is due to sickness or other grave reasons the school authorities must be notified in writing in advance.
- Leave of absence on a regular class day may be granted for a sufficient cause, but only on a previous application in writing from the Parent or Guardian. Every absence will be recorded in the Regularity Record.