General Rule of Discipline

General Rule of Discipline

  1. The school assembly begins at 8.20 am.
  2. All should arrive at the school at 8.10 am. And be seated in their places.
  3. Every pupil must have a copy of the school diary which should be brought to school daily.
  4. Any damage done to school property must be made good by the pupil or pupil concerned.
  5. Any communications made by the parents should be addressed to the Principal and not to the class teacher.
  6. Parents or guardians are not allowed to see their children or interview teachers during school hours without the permission from the Principal.
  7. No pupil is allowed to leave the school premises during the school hours except on grave reasons with the written permission from the Principal.
  8. Criticism of your child’s teacher or school in his/her presence should be avoided. If you have a legitimate complaint, meet the Principal.
  9. Your children’s teachers are among your best family friends. Show them the respect and friendship they deserve. They will be interested in your children, in proportion to the interest you take in them.
  10. Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. Each article should be marked with the pupil’s name.
  11. No books, magazines or papers (other than text books or library books) may be brought to the school without Principal’s permission.
  12. Every child attending the school is obliged to take part in all the school activities.
  13. In order to be proficient in conversation pupils should speak only English in the School premises.
  14. Letters addressed to Student C/o School may be delivered open.
  15. Use of tobacco, pan, alcohol, drugs, etc. or possession of any of it may lead to expulsion from the institution. At the first instance a warning with an imposition of fine will be served. A second time if the same student is caught, he/she will be given a suspension for a week from the school with a heavier fine. But one is caught for a third time, he/she will face an automatic expulsion from the school.
  16. Insubordination of any sort to the teacher or school authority will be dealt seriously and may lead to expulsion with no warning.
  17. No student will be permitted to go for needs except during recess. And no one is permitted to go out of the campus during school hours.
  18. Other rules and regulations may be made and informed to the student from time to time, when ever it deems necessary.
  19. No students are allowed to bring or use electronic gadgets like mobiles, i-Pods, cameras etc. in the school campus during school hours. If any electronic gadgets are confiscated from students it will not be returned.
  20. Use of Alcohol, Drugs or any intoxicating substances or possession of it will lead to automatic expulsion of student from institution with no warning.
  21. Any immoral/scandalous behavior from student will lead to automatic expulsion of student from the institution with no warning.